…and as usual, we have something to say (per the
This is not so much about vintage clothing (I did throw a
little in). This is about my
There were many different kinds of us back then:
“Rah-Rah’s” known later as “Preppies”, aka: “Jocks”
“Greasers” (we called them “Nicky Newarks”)
We had the Beatles in every incarnation WITH John and George
The Moody Blues, the Animals, the Zombies (a great group
that had no clue their name would be a household word in the 2000’s)
They did not look very "Zombie-like"
The Grateful Dead
The Rolling Stones with Mick Jagger
No…..THIS Mick Jagger
*sigh* wasn’t he adorable?
We had real Psychedelia. Yes, that’s a word: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychedelia
We had Timothy Leary, Bob Dylan, Haight-Ashbury, The Mamas
and the Papas and THIS:
Think what you want about this generation, but we were about
AWARENESS. One example in mind: Special parking for the Handicapped. AWARENESS of the handicapped. THAT was us.
We got to wear stuff like this:
…and this:
(oh yes, and we had Jimmie)
(...and Janis too)
…and this:
Whoa. Flashback.
There was never a generation quite like ours. There are still young people out there who
imitate what we had, try to re-live those times.
(Ha. Eat your heart
Yes, there were drugs.
A lot of us were doing them because we thought we would learn something
important about ourselves, transcend the times,
the people. Be better, somehow.
It didn’t work, but we were too young and idealistic to
admit it. And we kept on truckin’:
Nowadays? Allow me to use the vernacular we used back then:
We are freaking out.
Grandchildren are the biggest mind-blowers.
Far out? Yes, but TOO
far out.
Age spots? No way,
Man. That's hellacious.
White hair? Hallucinating. Just cool it.
WHAT??!! You’re trippin’.
Social Security? Not
enough bread, Man.
We fall-out before 10PM (hedacious!)
Where are we supposed groove? The old folks home?
That's outrageous, Man.
My Old Man is really my old man?!
Not cool.
We forgot your name because of all the pot we smoked back then, not because of our ages.
We never for a minute thought about the 60s coming back,
except they did, only in a different way…
…as in our ages.
Hey, do NOT be surprised if some of us freely drop an "F-Bomb" every now and then....
Hey, do NOT be surprised if some of us freely drop an "F-Bomb" every now and then....
Hey, I’ve said this before: We are NOT and never will be your mothers “old folks next door”. We will continue to blow your mind no matter what our ages are.
PS: my apologies to
internationals who read this and cannot get through all the American slang used